Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Family Photos

I loved shooting Alyssa's family! It was so fun capturing all the kids in their moments. And the parents did pretty good themselves. We are still missing Lincoln's individuals because everyone was done for the day. And we need one of Kailey and Alyssa. I'm still getting used to this blog thing and didn't realize they post the pictures backwards from how I upload them so the family stuff is at the bottom. But it's just as fitting to start with Ashton as it was to finish.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Assignment #2

The assignment was in film, these are just test shots with my digital. Notice Jayci's face in the last one, this is when I know that my models are hating me for standing there in the hot lights. But they still do it because deep down they love me!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

bits o' beauty

I {heart} PHOTOGRAPHY! Here are some of my wonderful experiences so far. I love my models and everyone "behind the scenes"-- aka Maki, Zach, Assistant #1 and #2 (you know who you are"--